Ethan Jana Drake
Web Development

I am a former high school science teacher who decided to explore Web Development in 2020. I was raised in the Greater Philadelphia area and spent two years as an exchange student in my ancestral homeland of Shanghai, China. My college education includes Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering, and Science Education. I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2016 and taught Physics, Chemistry, Programming, and Engineering classes in two schools.
I have always been close to tech. My lifelong hobby of video gaming connected me to modding games and at times I even coded my own mods, particularly WeakAuras for World of Warcraft which I uploaded onto and reached thousands of downloads. In my teaching career, not only was I the tech teacher, I also used far more tech than most other teachers and ran seminars to teach other teachers how to use their online tools properly, such as Google Classroom and Infinite Campus. I even ran some hackathons for students to compete in making a small video game.
Currently, I am continuing to build my portfolio as I search for more permanent opportunities as a Junior Developer so I can thrive in my newfound passion. While my experience is largely frontend, I have been dabbling in backend systems, mostly using Google Firebase for my needs. I am confident in my ability to learn anything on the go. If you are interested in my skills, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Zandart is an E-Commerce site for an individual that sells drip paintings. It uses Google Firebase as the backend to handle authentication and communication with the Stripe API. There is an interface for admins to upload art and set and edit details about the art, as well as delete it from the directory. Clients can click the art which opens a new page with extended details of the piece as well as the option to add it to the user's cart. Clicking on the cart opens a cart page and allows the user to check out with Stripe. This was tested and works correctly. This was a quick commission and is missing some features I would otherwise like to include, such as improving the way items are added to the cart so multiple copies can be added more easily, saving the cart data on the backend, allowing the user to add items to the cart from the gallery view, using thumbnails instead of full sized images on the gallery view, and the ability for the stock to update on the backend when an item is purchased.
